MMProtek.pt is a company dedicated to the online sale of workwear, safety signs and personal protective equipment.
M E M Protek Equipamentos de Proteção Individual, lda
Morada: Avenida da Granja, 158
4820-117 Fafe
Email - geral@mmprotek.pt
The general conditions described here aims to determine the conditions of sale between MMProtek.pt and their customers. As part of these general conditions, it is client any natural or legal person who places his order on the site which may be www.mmprotek.pt particular customer or not.
These general conditions apply to orders placed by Internet, mail, telephone and regulate the sale of the site www.mmprotek.pt the date of validation of the application of the order.
Customer acceptance
By validating the request of the customer order automatically triggers an express acceptance of the general conditions of sale listed.
Modification of terms of sale
MMProtek.pt reserves the right to alter without notice the terms of use and other regulations published on its website. Thus, it is recommended to regularly consult the conditions of use, since the frequent use of the website implies the acceptance of the changes made and the customer is subject to the latest version.
The general conditions in force at the date of the order will be those that will be applied in commercial transactions between MMProtek.pt and their customers.
Product Characteristics
MMProtek.pt undertakes to present a careful way, and more convenient to consider the information and essential characteristics of the products available.
In case of doubt, it is advisable to contact our sales department, who shall make any clarification either by phone or via e-mail.
Prices are advertised in Euros and exclude VAT at the statutory rate.
MMProtek.pt reserves the right to change prices at any time presented on its website due to any change on the part of its suppliers.
Value Added Tax - VAT
Prices do not include the VAT rate
The VAT will apply to transactions concluded with the European Union residents.
In commercial transactions with non-residents within the EU will apply a rate of VAT which should be provided by the customer at the time you place your order, and subsequently validated by MMProtek.pt and can be verified increase of taxes, duties and customs not covered in the final price to be paid by the customer. In the absence of supply or validation by MMProtek.pt rate of VAT, the customer agrees that all orders are invoiced with VAT.
Preparation of order
To place your order at www.mmprotek.pt the customer must fill out the form it is available. You should reread and confirm the data entered on the form before validating your order. MMProtek.pt not responsible for errors which may occur in filling out order forms, or for errors in sending e-mail.
Order Confirmation
Will be sent to the customer by automatic email confirmation of your order subject to the email address provided is correct.
Cancellation of request
At any time the customer may cancel your order provided it has not been billed.
Availability of products
Considered to be valid prices and product offerings that are always visible on our site and within the limits of available stock. Additional information on the availability of all items will be provided by phone or email. In case of difficulties arising by MMProtek.pt in getting a product from its suppliers, the customer will be informed of the status of your order by phone or via e-mail, which may opt-out of the same or by substitution another product.
The customer can make their purchases through the following payment methods:
- ATM;
- Transfer;
- Contraentrega.
Failure to pay
MMProtek.pt reserves the right not to make or refuse delivery of an order, if there is a lack of full or partial payment of a product ordered.
After placing the order all payments must be made within 15 days. After this period the order will be canceled.
The order made no use of www.mmprotek.pt invoice. The client will only receive the invoice with the goods ordered.